Day out in London

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Do you guys ever feel like, if along the way you didn't do that one thing you did, you would be in a completely different place! You feed your mind with so many things which might serve you or not but it will totally affect the next thing that you encounter and experience. The existing knowledge you have helps you to translate your experience. My point here is that the day to day things that may seem insignificant are actually shaping our lives. We do not pay attention to a lot of things that we do, a lot of choices that we make on a daily basis. We are not conscious of what we are consuming, yet these are things that are making us succeed or fail! People say everything happens for a reason and it is true that everything that happened to you is the reason that you are here today. The other day I went to visit the exhibition of Turner Prize Winner and the other three artist shortlisted at Tate Britain with m...