All year round,

As you can see in the picture, the castle looks empty because it was winter time. I have visited this castle in summer as well and trust me, there were so many people and the vibe was totally different.  This is what I love so much about seasonal change. It can make the same place look so different. In a way, season is there for us to appreciate and recognize the beauty in a place we choose to live. Same things can get boring but we, as human, will notice change and change is beautiful.  Every season has its character. I could drink coffee and take a rest (if it was summer I would definitely go for ice-cream!) There were few people which meant I could take loads picture! It was like having the whole castle to myself.

Leeds is large. There is something for every age group. You can spend a quality family time.

Lastly, I want to inform you guys about its ticket system which is the best thing that your ticket will last all year round!

Photographs by Manju Kumar Rai


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