Shes a keeper!
Every day there is something new in the market that it becomes pointless to chase the latest new buys (at least for me) but every now and then, its crucial to invest on something you know will serve you well. I say quality over quantity. So, here are some of my investments, in silver details, that I am very proud of...
My five years old Macbook Pro saw its days from school years to Uni years and now a constant blogging days! It works fine, so I have no complaints at all. This may also be because I have very limited knowledge about technology, either way, it is serving me well...
This chalky white Sony Xperia S phone has marked its four years with me. I dropped it on the first week that I bought, and numerous times since then, but it has everything I need, so I am sticking by it...Neals yard lengthening mascara was my early 2015's purchase (massive organic and natural products fan, but I will save this fandom for next post) and works best for me! I have always loved white nails and this one is matte as well, so I had to buy it. The only ideal necklace that I actually wear is simply edgy with its own understated charm and the compact mirror has been laying around our house for ever since I can remember. Lastly, the sweet fragrance of Jour'D Hermes feels like a luxury floating around my skin...
Nail polish @Sportsgirl, Australia, (you can get it at Topshop here in the UK)
Links to:
Fragance: Jour D Hermes at House of Fraser
Mascara: Neals Yard
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