Five hours in Singapore
On my way to Bali from Kuala Lumpur, I stopped at Singapore and had myself five hours to waste wisely! Heres what I did:
So, you can get a tourist day pass for $20 and you will get $10 back when you return the card at the end of the day which is a pretty good deal. With this pass, you can use the underground and buses.
I hopped on a bus to the Harbour-front station (you can either take a train or bus) to get to Sentosa Island. From Harbour-front station, you can either take a train or walk to the Island. If you decide to take a train, you will need to queue and pay for the train ticket or you can walk, which will take around 15 minutes. I decided to walk...
There are many different places you can go on the Island itself. There is a Universal Studio, museum, restaurants, and the beaches. To get to the beach, you need to go by train which is for free.
I took a train back to the Harbour-front station and you don't have to pay for the train ticket when coming back and from Harbour-front station, you can take a train back to airport which will take around 45 minutes.
Photography by Smriti Rai
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