Many years later

When I look back at things, I am in awe at how intricately our experiences are designed.
My friend from University suggested me videos by Nouman Ali Khan and in one of his videos, he says "you experience things for the benefit of others" I sat with this sentence, although, I didn't quite understand what it meant, I felt there was something meaningful in this sentence for me.
And then, at work, one Korean student comes to me for help - frustrated, she's been crying for days and she wanted to move out from her current host family. She came with the long list of explanations, numbered, why she wanted to move out. It was my job not to promise her anything, but I could feel what she was feeling.

During my first year at University, I hated my residence. I wanted to move out so bad and every day I went to the reception to ask for a change. They couldn't help me. Now, when I look back it, I was uncomfortable because of the new place, new culture and new people but at the time I didn't understand, why I had to go through such pain. A few years later, when one student comes to me for help, I could empathize because I went through the same situation. If she had been 2 weeks late, she would have never met me. The story would have been different. If my manager was not on a holiday, the story would have been different...So, it was perfect timing and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to help her! Next day, she brought me huge Twix and a hug hehe... but she helped me understand what Nouman was saying "you experience things for the benefit of others"

I learned that this life is my journey and it doesn't have to look like anyone else's. For the outer world yes I helped her but it was actually, she, who helped me during this phase of my life. So, no matter what, I am grateful- grateful for the good and grateful for the pain, because you never know, many years later your pain will help someone smile!


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