helpless Town and its Mayor

The love I know is drunk

and it's September.

The love I know is seasonal

and summer is ending soon

but I want it to stay

even if it's not sober.

Winter will soon be on display

beating me black with its Winter blues

whilst I sink into Session 12,

the helpless town blacks out

and there is not a single sound

not even a borrowed voice.

I run to Autumn and its copper leaves,

don't let the sober mornings in.

Several times,

Winter tried to wrap me

with its drunk ways and its blues

but it never won,

Autumn feels safe,

it paints its own safe hues.  

I cry,

hoping the town will paint something warm

But there is a mayor

who is sober

and so is the winter!

I remember I have always been alone

I hear someone else crying too

Together but alone - this town

made me who I am.

This is where I ran my first race,

All along the mayor was too busy to attend.

Town and I, we made amends on our own.

We wiped our tears - on our own

I didn't have a voice

and the town borrowed rhymes from me

Patriarchy sang its own song

for generations till dawn

so I can't blame my town!

Sometimes, it confides in me,

but I am just a child.

The generational blues

it had to bear, although seasonal

it wants someone who will listen

but the mayor is too busy,

like always, 

and I can't wait for summer

like always.


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