Binge Tower

Heart-ache is not hollow
Heart-ache feels like a drop tower
The freefall usually lasts 8 seconds
but the thrill is never over
It does make you feel alive
I promise I won't do it again

I find myself on the other side of the world
Pockets are empty
Mind is full
Overflowing with doubts
Nothing mindful in between 

Binge-watching Lovesick
And my eyes are itchy
Yesterday we were dancing 
To our own music
The taste of my past felt sickening
Still, the dance was freeing

Lonely and hollow
Sour buttercream on the table
Mix it up with confusion 
No direct response
The message is not clear
How am I here?

Were this all meant to be?
God left me on read
and I am waiting for an answer.


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